Amar Sonar Bangla - National Anthem of Bangladesh - Guitar Chords & Tab Code

My dear blog readers and viewers and also visitors long time later I'm back and in this month I present all of you the national anthem of BANGLADESH  "Amar Sonar Bangla." all of my viewers specially Bangladeshi viewers try this song and play it on your guitar please. A huge request for this song and also some people called me. Thank to all of you.
Amar sonar Bangla

Ami tomay bhalôbasi

Chirôdin tomar akash, Tomar batas, Amar prane 


O ma amar prane bajay bashi sonar bangla

Ami tomay valobashi

O ma Fagune tor amer bône Ghrane pagôl kôre,

Môri hay, hay re, O ma, Ôghrane tor bhôra khete


Ami ki dekhechhi môdhur hasi, sonar bangla


Ami tomay valobashi....

First listen the song not only song but also it's music and rhythm than play it on your guitar. 
Its a difficult tuning but I think if you try it part by part than you can do it.
Thank you again.  


Amar Sonar Bangla - National Anthem of Bangladesh - Guitar Chords & Tab Code Amar Sonar Bangla - National Anthem of Bangladesh - Guitar Chords & Tab Code Reviewed by Black on 5:54 AM Rating: 5

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